It's all too easy to get caught up in the sweet domesticity of home, the subtle changes in where things are stored, displayed; how they're cleaned and maintained, or if it's the wrong season to bother with them at all... the details to be relished in how the knick-knacs inside the house can reflect the transition of the world beyond the garden.
I took the time (Sundial) to wander 'round the dwelling and snap afew things that have changed already....

Jake seems to have taken a liking to it, and though he can't play, has an ear to it enough to send mournful, rippling tunes echoing over the balcony in the evenings and afternoons; we've offered to organise lessons, but he doesn't appear too keen on the idea....

Yes, the hilly surrounds are browning off already, the backyard follwing in suit; and like a tiny marsupial creature, Inspiration is waking my imagination; whispering to me of Sunburn, BBQ's and sparkling sea-salt christmases.
I just LOVE summer... it's so close I can almost smell it!
I just LOVE summer... it's so close I can almost smell it!
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