Hallowe'en everyone! Though we don't tend to celebrate
Halowe'en in Australia, sometimes you can't help but get into the spirit.... pardon the pun.... we started with a little pumpkin-carving, fondly nicknaming our pumpkin 'S
carface' because of the scabby grey marks under his evilly winking eye....
How's this for scary?:

...Jakie contributed by giving the camera his best "I'm going to kill you" face with the
pumpkin-carving knife.. if you look close you can see the orange bits in the blade... he makes quite the convincing murderous-psychopath, doesn't he? ...Scared the
collywobbles out of Mam when she first saw 'Jake's madman-mug-shot'...

A touch of the occult to weird (or should I say '
Wyrd"?!) things up a bit... Some skillful photo-shop brings out an eerie glow from the crystal, and the symbols
luminesce freakishly... it was a joke
photo but I like the way it scrubbed up and
decided it was worth posting....
Blood, anyone???:

...Just kidding guys, it's
portello cordial,
kindergarden strength! makes a reasonably convincing table-centerpiece though- ....Kinda brings back the craving for the edible fake-blood we used in
Jekyll & Hyde: Mint flavour! Ah, production memories....!
*Laughs* Well, whatever you're up to wherever you are in the world, have a great evening; and be on the watch for them boogie-men!!!
Morrigan aruna dei Samhain Sabbat, il'medora! ...translation: HAPPY HALLOWE'EN EVERYONE!
...SidewaysSmileyFace, :)
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