In typical family fashion we visited the Taronga Western Plains Zoo, here are my snapshots, but I have no time for a thousand words each to give them any substance at all.
The hours in the car were long, the shudder of the car made it feel like my bones were dissolving into my flesh after days of it. Rising each morning in strange places with strange smells eeking through the sunlit canvas; stifling heat and lashing rain that should have made my windows shudder, if only I had been home.
The treasures found along the way make journeys worthwhile, like the roadside monolith that stole the sky, we waited 10 minutes just for the right light to take the photo, but it does it no justice, unfortunately
The treasures found along the way make journeys worthwhile, like the roadside monolith that stole the sky, we waited 10 minutes just for the right light to take the photo, but it does it no justice, unfortunately
The people I met, the melodies I played upon my battered guitar, even the pier I sat on smelling the sea, the little memories I keep... my camera caught these, to be sure, faces and places, but with not even the substance of a parting smile.
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