Sunday, November 28, 2010
Abe 1.1 (Comic)
Here's the second, as promised... I kind of messed up the sketch, but eh, you win some you lose some. =]
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Abe 1.0 (Comic)
Say 'Hello' to Abe, a cynical boy with a potato-shaped head in dorky pyjamas and my newest comical character. He's fun to sketch so there should be plenty more on the way =] Enjoy!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
QUOTE OF THE DAY -content warning-
Couldn't have said it better myself...
"To those who doubt the importance of grammar, contemplate this: Capitalisation is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your Uncle jack off a horse." -Ken.
"To those who doubt the importance of grammar, contemplate this: Capitalisation is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your Uncle jack off a horse." -Ken.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Lucide (Sketch)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sorry guys, this one's a bit of an "In-Joke"
"I never talk about Johnson, but today I've talked about Johnson all day!" -Carly
Carly, you are one crazy chick... though, at least you finally managed it! =D
"I never talk about Johnson, but today I've talked about Johnson all day!" -Carly
Carly, you are one crazy chick... though, at least you finally managed it! =D
Friday, September 10, 2010
That wacky Dylan fellow, always making us laugh with his awesome-ness!
"Hey Ted, do you ever wonder how much bigger your feet would be if they were both one foot?" - Dylan
"Hey Ted, do you ever wonder how much bigger your feet would be if they were both one foot?" - Dylan
Sunrise (sketch)

In the stillness
Of the dark they spun,
Like ballerinas of nothingness.
And once they have begun,
They declare they'll never stop.
In my head their brazen voices chorus
And they dance, whirling
Before my eyes.
I sink to my knees, dizzy.
The shades, they laugh and smile
Down at me, a tiny figure overcome.
By these dreams fantastical.
A thread is pulled, but before I'm undone
I am freed to toss, and stir,
And as I wake, rises the sun.
Monday, August 23, 2010
10 girls in 10 days (#3)
Firstly, the basic gist of my lengthy silence: the cable for my camera went missing, and my scanner chucked a tantrum worthy of a three-year-old, and therefore I have been unable to post artworks... until now!
Each day over the next 10 days I'll be posting an artwork of a woman who has influenced my life, they might be a friend or relative, or it could be someone whom I've never met personally but has still made an impact upon my life, it could even be a fictional character...
#3 Mam (Jeanine)
(4B Grey-lead pencil)
To my mother, unequivocally the most influential woman in my life. To everyone who knows her, you'll know what I'm talking about =]
Over everything else I see in the world, I am thankful for you most of all.
Each day over the next 10 days I'll be posting an artwork of a woman who has influenced my life, they might be a friend or relative, or it could be someone whom I've never met personally but has still made an impact upon my life, it could even be a fictional character...
#3 Mam (Jeanine)
(4B Grey-lead pencil)

Over everything else I see in the world, I am thankful for you most of all.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
10 girls in 10 days (#2)
Each day over the next 10 days I'll be posting an artwork of a woman who has influenced my life, they might be a friend or relative, or it could be someone whom I've never met personally but has still made an impact upon my life, it could even be a fictional character...
#2 Ce'Nedra.
(Felt tip pen and watercolour)
#2 Ce'Nedra.
(Felt tip pen and watercolour)

Princess Ce'Nedra is a fictional creation of my favourite authors, David & Leigh Eddings. Ce'Nedra is special to me because she, in the role of the damsel in distress; it no tapestry-weaving fairy. She's a stubborn, wilful, manipulative little brat with a fiery temper! No fantasy princess have ever held more right to be a queen, and I salute her!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
10 girls in 10 days (#1)
So I've decided to do a little project here. Each day over the next 10 days I will post an artwork of a woman who has influenced my life, they might be a friend or relative, or it could be someone whom I've never met personally but has still made an impact upon my life, it could even be a fictional character! So, to the first of my girls...
#1 Mara.
(Colour pencil sketch.)
To the girl who knows too much! Here's to you, best friend, I dunno where I'd be without you. =]

10 girls in 10 days,
Actions and Reactions,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Straight Jacket (Sketch)

On another note...
Have an awesomely individual day,
Lemmy =]
Using your Voice
Monday, June 7, 2010
So yeah, it's been a while since I've posted you a quote... and then I heard Meagan say this:
"Why don't you ever let me shave YOUR side-burns, what is this?!" -Meagan.
Meagan... wow.. =]
"Why don't you ever let me shave YOUR side-burns, what is this?!" -Meagan.
Meagan... wow.. =]
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Armadillos & Greyscale Photos.

They sit, contented, and watch with mere-
Passing interest,
How intriguing! The sourceless rush of
Wishes and wants. As he
Snuffles over the dry leaves,
-As crackling parchment- and faded
Soft nose, flared, most and warm; he caresses.
The searching Armadillo, passing over
Them- inviting, his touch.
So met, only with mild curiosity,
And the wide-eyed acceptance, of they-
The Innocent. Pure of the wants-
The poison of wishes ungranted. And curious,
They touch. Ah, the rough skin –so perplexing-
A corrugated shield. Incomprehensible, the
Plated armour- of a grizzled Veteran.
Poor Armadillo,
Scarred. For there will always be chinks in armour-
The sly dig ‘tween overlapping plates.
Puzzled are they, by the Armadillo, so gentle,
They do not understand ‘scar’.
They, untouched, watch all bemused, as we-
With our dreams, yearn.
The Armadillo, he sleeps between them,
-In quiet contentment- at peace;
As we too watch -in passing interest-, but with

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Perfect without compliment.
It is raining again, though I have no photographs to show you. It is too dark out. The sound is hollow and rhythmic on our tin roof, filling me with whispers and wonder, and try though I might no ripple of notes from my guitar will accompany it. The sound of rain is already complete. Perfect without compliment.
So I set the guitar aside momentarily to tell you as I have done. And to listen.
So if you have a moment, to be still and hear the rain... wherever you may be, it will be beautiful.
So I set the guitar aside momentarily to tell you as I have done. And to listen.
So if you have a moment, to be still and hear the rain... wherever you may be, it will be beautiful.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
"... Na-na na na everyday, like my eye-ball's stuck on a plate..." -Anne
Anne dearie, I like your lyrics better than the original!
Anne dearie, I like your lyrics better than the original!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Raising Wolves
Inspired by the novel we're studying in Literature: Picnic at Hanging Rock, this is a quick ink and colour-pencil of Miranda raising the rock-spirits from within. There is no such scene as this in the book at all, but as the book itself is a mystery I am allowed to speculate my version of what may have happened.

Actions and Reactions,
Friday, February 19, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Pielight, the love story of an ordinary girl, and a blackberry pie.... :)
The other day, Jake, Thomas, Laura & I decided to endure denim in the sweltering heat all in the name of blackberries. The great, feral prickle bush that had at some point in the dim past decided our creek bed would be a good place to take root was practically groaning under the weight of the scrawny purple fruit, daring us to risk the outer layer of skin for it.
Challenge accepted.
Needless to say, we picked everything within reach. Half an ice-cream container full later and the sun beggining to set, the conversation began of just what we were going to do with our meagre though magnificent harvest.
Eventually, we settled on a pie. >>

The other day, Jake, Thomas, Laura & I decided to endure denim in the sweltering heat all in the name of blackberries. The great, feral prickle bush that had at some point in the dim past decided our creek bed would be a good place to take root was practically groaning under the weight of the scrawny purple fruit, daring us to risk the outer layer of skin for it.
Challenge accepted.
Needless to say, we picked everything within reach. Half an ice-cream container full later and the sun beggining to set, the conversation began of just what we were going to do with our meagre though magnificent harvest.
Eventually, we settled on a pie. >>

Best. Damn. Pie. Ever! .... Yeah, take that Twilight fans! I'ma EAT THE HERO Mwahahahaa! ...Guess what I'm having for leftovers? XP
Fiend of the refrigerator,
Lemmy :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Time Wasting...
Wasted a weekend beading, below is a strategically lit pic of the necklace that took me five hours of careful wirework:

Mam was admiring it earlier so I might put it aside for Mother's Day... *shhh*
While you were out
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Madelyn #1 (comic)
The Comical Happenings of a little blue-skinned girl called Madelyn- second installment pending the response to the pilot episode... enjoy! :)
Ninjas are awesome... :)

Ninjas are awesome... :)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Jericho (Sketch)
This is a dry-pastel sketch of one my more troubled characters, Jericho, who has been moping around in the back of my mind for a while now... I drew it in response to a short story I wrote while on holiday (Trains), and was the first thing I'd written involving her. Having finally given her linguistic mention, I figured it was time she was given a face... True to her choices in life, she is standing in the wind and looking more than a little worried...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
"I'm noticing a distinct lack of anything but Mayonnaise" -Jake
That, little brother, is randomness at it's finest!
That, little brother, is randomness at it's finest!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Notes From The Road...
I'd never really been comfortable with the entire concept of a 'holiday', you must understand, I never really saw it. No camera will fit down my throat to show you the strange flavours of new foods I try, or the fuzzy, humid air that clung to my skin in the sub-tropical north when we got as far as we could go.
Juara, his name is "champion" in Indonesian, the same language I studied for years and never once came across the word. the curiosity in this picture does no justice to the creature or his namesake, it was simply the best shot...
The Giraffes with their smooth velvet noses and great liquid eyes, thickly framed with lashes darker than soot. You cannot tell from the photo how graceful they were, like dancers, they moved.
Mam's photo, I did not see the Meerkats, My only report can be that Mam smiled as she spoke of their bright eyes and chittering fastidiousness.
Or my Sleeping Giant, hidden in the mountain rockface with a mysterious smile on his slumbering lips.
Ah yes, the mountains, they too were beautiful beyond any human ability to comprehend, the lifethreads energetic and busy on their green forest skin, while deeper, through the stonespine of the plain it flowed slow and strong like a secret lifeblood river...
The Dorrigo National Park had more whispers than twisting vines, each a tiny forest secret that, teasingly, it will not tell...
The people I met, the melodies I played upon my battered guitar, even the pier I sat on smelling the sea, the little memories I keep... my camera caught these, to be sure, faces and places, but with not even the substance of a parting smile.
In typical family fashion we visited the Taronga Western Plains Zoo, here are my snapshots, but I have no time for a thousand words each to give them any substance at all.
The hours in the car were long, the shudder of the car made it feel like my bones were dissolving into my flesh after days of it. Rising each morning in strange places with strange smells eeking through the sunlit canvas; stifling heat and lashing rain that should have made my windows shudder, if only I had been home.
The treasures found along the way make journeys worthwhile, like the roadside monolith that stole the sky, we waited 10 minutes just for the right light to take the photo, but it does it no justice, unfortunately
The treasures found along the way make journeys worthwhile, like the roadside monolith that stole the sky, we waited 10 minutes just for the right light to take the photo, but it does it no justice, unfortunately
The people I met, the melodies I played upon my battered guitar, even the pier I sat on smelling the sea, the little memories I keep... my camera caught these, to be sure, faces and places, but with not even the substance of a parting smile.
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