Today was a RainDay, I mean it when I say it... our dusty, sunburnt November has been washed away with holing wind and driving sheets of H2O... The world outside the walls has never smelt so good- rising in tricky columns of steam from the warm, rain-beaten ground...
(a little pic of the cherry-tree from under the brim of my battered umbrella,)

The sound was almost deafening.. there was so much energy in the air, my hair practically stood on-end!
And the scent of it all: the bitumen, growing, blooming, winding, soft earth, frenzy, whisper, lacquered, snipped, mown, left-to-go-feral, stagnant-water, rising into oblivion, clouds, sunlight, dried-then-drenched glory that is Rainy Days!
Our water tanks overflowed (both of them):
As did the guttering>>
...Now, hours later, the rain has relented to little more than a begruding drizzle (a mere shadow of the torrents that dashed our windows earlier today)... And us? ...Why, now we can enjoy the best part of all: The PUDDLES!!
Signing off with an almost childish enthusiasm;
Leah Mae, :D