Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Losing the 'Us'...

Dear Girl,

It will be okay, maybe not now, but soon... I promise; Heartbreak is a part of life.
Maybe it will be slow, or maybe it will hit you hard, but all of a sudden you realised there was no longer an 'Us' ...didn't you?

Yes, yes it hurts. Of course it will, you let some-one under your toughest layers, without considering how easily they could flay it from you...
But people heal, it is a part of our humanity that we can, nomatter how long it takes. -Remember not to spend so long crying over a lost skateboard that you miss the Rolls Royce thats parking right in front of you.

As far as the universe is concerned, this is simply a step in the journey; it is the rarest flower that blooms in adversity and it is through these peaks and troughs your soul will grow... When you are ready, the universe will present someone new.

If there's one thing to learn, it's that a girl has to kiss afew frogs before she finds a Prince.
Take good care of yourself, you need it now more than ever:
Don't eat Junk Food,
Don't think junk thoughts.

And remember love is infinite, and we generate as much as we consume.

...best of luck girl,
you cannot get lost on a straight road.


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