Saturday, October 31, 2009

If you're EVIL & you know it Clap Your Hands!

Happy Hallowe'en everyone! Though we don't tend to celebrate Halowe'en in Australia, sometimes you can't help but get into the spirit.... pardon the pun.... we started with a little pumpkin-carving, fondly nicknaming our pumpkin 'Scarface' because of the scabby grey marks under his evilly winking eye....
How's this for scary?:
...Jakie contributed by giving the camera his best "I'm going to kill you" face with the pumpkin-carving knife.. if you look close you can see the orange bits in the blade... he makes quite the convincing murderous-psychopath, doesn't he? ...Scared the collywobbles out of Mam when she first saw 'Jake's madman-mug-shot'...

A touch of the occult to weird (or should I say 'Wyrd"?!) things up a bit... Some skillful photo-shop brings out an eerie glow from the crystal, and the symbols luminesce freakishly... it was a joke photo but I like the way it scrubbed up and decided it was worth posting....
Blood, anyone???:
...Just kidding guys, it's portello cordial, kindergarden strength! makes a reasonably convincing table-centerpiece though- ....Kinda brings back the craving for the edible fake-blood we used in Jekyll & Hyde: Mint flavour! Ah, production memories....! mmm....
*Laughs* Well, whatever you're up to wherever you are in the world, have a great evening; and be on the watch for them boogie-men!!!

Morrigan aruna dei Samhain Sabbat, il'medora! ...translation: HAPPY HALLOWE'EN EVERYONE!
...SidewaysSmileyFace, :)


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Spring into Summer...

It's all too easy to get caught up in the sweet domesticity of home, the subtle changes in where things are stored, displayed; how they're cleaned and maintained, or if it's the wrong season to bother with them at all... the details to be relished in how the knick-knacs inside the house can reflect the transition of the world beyond the garden.
I took the time (Sundial) to wander 'round the dwelling and snap afew things that have changed already....

The dried herbs- no longer needed for hearty winter meals, and would be out-of-sorts in the light summer salads of the warmer days... I'll soon have to store them in jars or something, 'else they'll go to waste..

The piano will be stored in our hallway until Gran can sell it, as there's no room for it in her little nursing home closet- how she must miss it!
Jake seems to have taken a liking to it, and though he can't play, has an ear to it enough to send mournful, rippling tunes echoing over the balcony in the evenings and afternoons; we've offered to organise lessons, but he doesn't appear too keen on the idea....

Our newest chookens, Nugget, Noodle, and Dumpling, have shot up while I wasn't looking... no longer the gawky fledglings I remember from our autumn frenzy to have a new chook-house ready for their arrival, they strut around with the full, glossy feathers and proud expressions of hens who lay more eggs than we can eat, and allow it to get to their vanity more than a tad!...

And finally, to the muddy gumboots stacked neatly by the back door, aside from a (very) highly unlikely late-spring flood (we haven't got our hopes up), they'll languish here until next June, peering expectantly up at us as we pass by in our floppy thongs, wishing for the months when the splashes of creeks and puddles are their pride and joy...
Yes, the hilly surrounds are browning off already, the backyard follwing in suit; and like a tiny marsupial creature, Inspiration is waking my imagination; whispering to me of Sunburn, BBQ's and sparkling sea-salt christmases.

I just LOVE summer... it's so close I can almost smell it!

Monday, October 26, 2009


*gasp* I officially have a stalker! ..awesome!!! XD

"Yay!!! I'm following you!!" -Captian Girl Morgan


Friday, October 23, 2009

Hello, I come from Pyalong (photos)

My Front Gate >
The Creek Ford >
My Glorious Sky (I wake up to this) >

My home town... possibly the most beautiful place it in the world... you've not likely ever heard of it before; but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else... :)


"sorry.... I would help you out, but my hands are covered in latex..." -Belinda


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Apple Sticker...

??? .."oh yeah, hi...?"
"um... you've got an apple-sticker on your forehead."
"Yes, I know; I put it there"
"Oh.. okay then... why???"

Yeah, well, listen here guys:
Okay? and yes, I am being deliberately weird.

*nyah nyah nya-nyah nyah!* :)

I like apple stickers, they have this understated insanity about them that makes them an invaluable accessory. ...I'm making a statement; guess what it is?

Wear what you want; and enjoy it, 'cos it is you and nobody else.

So yes, I do have an apple sticker on my face,
And you know what?

I LOVE it!



A curious though harmless wardrobe malfunction during assembly, leading to the funniest thing I've heard all day:

"WAIT! Give me 10 seconds to fix my shoe!" -Carly


Sunday, October 18, 2009

VET Music (comic) In COLOUR!!!

The long-overdue publication of the day Jake B. went crazy... we don't give him sugar anymore... XD

Saturday, October 17, 2009


"it would destroy your brain with a toothpick made of fibreglass fishing hooks" -Ted



A salute to the randomness of messenger conversation, you tell 'em Lee!

"Cantaloupe!" -Lee


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bomomo- A sweet heart...

Just another little bomomo to fill in the gaps.. :)

The Backwards-People (sketch)

This was a scribble from a while ago that I scanned in recently to do some clip-art with... like most of this stuff, it's posted here on little more than a whim.
Backwards but happy;
Leah Mae (:

Monday, October 12, 2009


"HEY! you ate all my sweets!" -Mum

I love you Mum... I'm sorry I ate all your chocolate... next time please restrain me in the presence of chocolate that is not mine....


Friday, October 9, 2009

PussyCat (sketch) -content warning-

Yes, I know... it's in very bad taste... funny though...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Kyneton Spring (comic)

A quiet laugh for the guys back home...

Monday, October 5, 2009


Weird though it may be, this quote is actually mine, so I won't bother to tag it. confused the hell out of the Robbie though..

"Robert, are you the Giant Ferret of Love?"


Saturday, October 3, 2009

While you were out: #1 (sketch)

Am open to any suggestions for other things our pets may or may not do why we aren't home, comment your suggestion if you've got and idea you want to see sketched, and I'll give it a go!