Sunday, June 27, 2010

10 girls in 10 days (#2)

Each day over the next 10 days I'll be posting an artwork of a woman who has influenced my life, they might be a friend or relative, or it could be someone whom I've never met personally but has still made an impact upon my life, it could even be a fictional character...

#2 Ce'Nedra.
(Felt tip pen and watercolour)

Princess Ce'Nedra is a fictional creation of my favourite authors, David & Leigh Eddings. Ce'Nedra is special to me because she, in the role of the damsel in distress; it no tapestry-weaving fairy. She's a stubborn, wilful, manipulative little brat with a fiery temper! No fantasy princess have ever held more right to be a queen, and I salute her!


Saturday, June 26, 2010

10 girls in 10 days (#1)

So I've decided to do a little project here. Each day over the next 10 days I will post an artwork of a woman who has influenced my life, they might be a friend or relative, or it could be someone whom I've never met personally but has still made an impact upon my life, it could even be a fictional character! So, to the first of my girls...

#1 Mara.
(Colour pencil sketch.)To the girl who knows too much! Here's to you, best friend, I dunno where I'd be without you. =]

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Straight Jacket (Sketch)

Yeah, we all have our days... cartoons are decidedly more fun than VCE..
On another note...
Have an awesomely individual day,
Lemmy =]

Monday, June 7, 2010


So yeah, it's been a while since I've posted you a quote... and then I heard Meagan say this:

"Why don't you ever let me shave YOUR side-burns, what is this?!" -Meagan.

Meagan... wow.. =]


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chasing Stars (Sketch)

A random scribble of boredom and procrastination.