Sunday, March 28, 2010

Perfect without compliment.

It is raining again, though I have no photographs to show you. It is too dark out. The sound is hollow and rhythmic on our tin roof, filling me with whispers and wonder, and try though I might no ripple of notes from my guitar will accompany it. The sound of rain is already complete. Perfect without compliment.
So I set the guitar aside momentarily to tell you as I have done. And to listen.

So if you have a moment, to be still and hear the rain... wherever you may be, it will be beautiful.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


"... Na-na na na everyday, like my eye-ball's stuck on a plate..." -Anne

Anne dearie, I like your lyrics better than the original!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Raising Wolves

Inspired by the novel we're studying in Literature: Picnic at Hanging Rock, this is a quick ink and colour-pencil of Miranda raising the rock-spirits from within. There is no such scene as this in the book at all, but as the book itself is a mystery I am allowed to speculate my version of what may have happened.
