My Blog enthusiasm appears to have rubbed off on some of my Facebook-Addicted friends, which has resulted in about half of my "Blogs For Browsing" only containing only one or two posts to date.
Talking with them about it, it seems there's a universal stage of vague trepidation at the creation of a Blog; you write your first ever "Um, Hi..." post and then sit back and wonder just what the fishsticks you're going to do now.
All the looming possibilites:
What do I want to say?Do I have a Cause I'm speaking out for?Or am I just Mucking Around?Should I really be telling every-one and no-one what I had for breakfast??And so on and so forth...
These days I could almost miss that... that wondering
what?, and most of all
WHY? They say familiarity breeds contempt, perhaps this is so, perhaps not. I think that once one becomes familiar with Blogging, it becomes like talking to an old friend- you open up and say what you're thinking, but no longer question if this is is the right thing to do.
After all, what're friends for, eh??
So this is a rallying war-cry to all my Budding Blogging Buddies!
Hit it with yer best shot Honeys, savour every delectable morsel of every post, and if after a while you don't feel like King-Kong on cocaine when you put your words, art, ect.
out there, then YOU decide whether or not this is for you.
If you put a gun to my head and asked me
why blog??, I'd tell you this: We do it because we
like it, for the Thrill-of-the-Chase, for Having-a-Voice-and-using-it, and whatever you're getting out of it, the rest is simple:
Damn, is Blogging Fun!
Leah Mae :)