Wednesday, September 30, 2009

VET Music (comic)

Meanwhile, in Room 26, the VET Music students heard their Recordings for the first time...



Okay, so this is an old one, but I was reminded of it this morning and just had to post it... Miss you FredDaveAndyBob, catchya sometime soon!

"I am living Proof that microwaving your babies causes long-term damage" -Richard (aka. Fred)


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Budding Blogging Buddies...

My Blog enthusiasm appears to have rubbed off on some of my Facebook-Addicted friends, which has resulted in about half of my "Blogs For Browsing" only containing only one or two posts to date.
Talking with them about it, it seems there's a universal stage of vague trepidation at the creation of a Blog; you write your first ever "Um, Hi..." post and then sit back and wonder just what the fishsticks you're going to do now.
All the looming possibilites:

What do I want to say?
Do I have a Cause I'm speaking out for?
Or am I just Mucking Around?
Should I really be telling every-one and no-one what I had for breakfast??

And so on and so forth...
These days I could almost miss that... that wondering how?, what?, and most of all WHY? They say familiarity breeds contempt, perhaps this is so, perhaps not. I think that once one becomes familiar with Blogging, it becomes like talking to an old friend- you open up and say what you're thinking, but no longer question if this is is the right thing to do.
After all, what're friends for, eh??

So this is a rallying war-cry to all my Budding Blogging Buddies!
Hit it with yer best shot Honeys, savour every delectable morsel of every post, and if after a while you don't feel like King-Kong on cocaine when you put your words, art, ect. out there, then YOU decide whether or not this is for you.

If you put a gun to my head and asked me why blog??, I'd tell you this: We do it because we like it, for the Thrill-of-the-Chase, for Having-a-Voice-and-using-it, and whatever you're getting out of it, the rest is simple:

Damn, is Blogging Fun!

Leah Mae :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I'll leave you to wonder how this one came about... :)

"This really is a rather ludicrous situation... um, pardon me, but it is quite imperative that you give my head back!" -Jake


1 Bomomo, 2 Bomomo, 3 Bomomo, 4!

Some of my pick-of-the-litter creations from my favourite art-generator website... make your own at ....happy creating! Leah Mae :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Ah, facebook, once more you bring us laughter and joy.

"Love is like a hot chilli dipped in chocolate, it only hurts when you stop eating it" -Anne


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


To Belinda's side-splitter display pic, I award the awesome award, which means bupkiss, but its the thought that counts:

"Could you please lend me your pen? I need to stab you in the eye..." -Belinda.


Puddles of Treacle...

For once words fail me;
Which in a way is rather infuriating, because the language is the only thing I've never stumbled on before,
But in another is so flying-by-the-seat-of-the-pants f a n t a s t i c because the moment he touches me all that confusing, constant internal dialouge goes out like a snuffed candle: all the sarcastic comments of Sarah, the broken murmurs of Y'dra, the furious arguments of Diera and Oren, and even Tanith's bleak grumblings drift away in sooty, lead-scented wisps...
The Fact that HE always seems to know what I'm thinking, putting a slender finger on my bottom lip and reminding me the words I'd forgotten I was going to say...

-Darnit, how does he DO that??!!!!

I thought I'd assigned all those kind of things to the "stuff that happens to other people" shelf, but shucky-darn if the universe keeps on hittin' -hit me like a semi jackknifed down a highway, matter-o-fact,

I used to Think that I couldn't burn off the madness of life as it built up, and that one day it would reach my eyeballs and by then I'd be so tired that I'd just stand there and be glad to drown, because I couldn't take anymore.
Splitting my veins with those electric blue eyes, and breathed infinity into my world; the oxygen rushed in and I could breathe, burning off the precious gas as fast as the atmosphere could provide.

Yes, I've alot to be thankful for, it seems. And I know exactly who I'm going to thank.
If only I could find the words....


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


A tribute to the conversational wanderings of math-class Blues

"One of these days I'll think of something funny" -Carly


Monday, September 14, 2009

Milk, Detergent and Food-Dye....

This is an old pic I wanted to share... it still amazes me how many cool patterns we got from four drops of food-dye and two of Detergent in a saucer of milk, try it! ...Keep Smilin' :)


the QUOTE OF THE DAY mark 2, comes with a big TY to Ken for his awesome MSN insight:

"Lost a lot of my faith in humanity... Oh no wait...I don't have any of that...well then what the hell did I lose?!" -Ken


Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Tea Party (comic)

More randomness from last thursday afternoon... uploaded for your entertainment! :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Okay, so this won't happen EVERYday, but here are the words of wisdom from people I know & love:
My first ever "QUOTE OF THE DAY" comes courtesy of my "little" bro Jake, when I asked him to "say something random for my blog":

"Sod off" -Jake


VET Music (comic)

Some strange things happen in my VET Music class... here's where I put the snippets
>A salute to Brad's awesome saxaphone-ness, chill dude, it's all good...>